Sunday, 17 June 2012

impossible PZ680 colour

My dear sister (Kirsty) bought me a couple of packs of The Impossible Project's PZ680 colour for my Spectra for Christmas, and I've just recently been motivated by the appropriate amount of 'stop being so lame' to actually use it. It's not that the Impossible Project film is hard to use, it's just that it's a big adjustment from the old Polaroid days of -point-shoot-wait-rejoice-
I tried the colour shade first. It reacts differently to the PX70 & PX100 I tried last year. It doesnt seem to like light the same way the others did. It was best in low light, and even then I had the light dial on 'darken'....

this was taken in bright sun light & possibly not shielded quite quickly enough.

after I caught on, I was pleased with the last few shots - it's quite nice & moody. 

As fun as it is, experimenting with the temperamental films that Impossible are bringing out, I'm still very nostalgic for Polaroid. Those idiots.
Got to support the Impossible Project though. Do it.

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